A few combined entities, Revolution NKY, Revolution Warriors, The Revolution KY, and Revolutionary Events, LLC, as a collective, have actively provided outreach to Eastern KY, specifically Breathitt County, through the Rousseau Volunteer Fire Department. We took our first UHaul full of supplies East just three days following the disastrous flood in the summer of 2022, and have now made a combined five trips to the area, each time taking a truckload (or more) full of supplies, food, and children's games, books, and toys.
By way of frequent rescues, off road attempts, deliveries, and emergency calls, the Rescue Truck for this fully volunteer staffed and funded fire department is now no longer operable. Rousseau Fire Department receives no Team KY or FEMA aide. With no vehicle to service their community, Rousseau Fire Department is in a bind.
Yesterday I spoke with Jennifer Mullins Smith, to whom I was referred by Governor Andy Beshear's office. Ms. Smith is the Long Term Recovery Team Coodinator for the area, and she informed me that long term recovery won't address the need for a truck - they do not buy trucks, and further downplayed the obvious destruction I have seen firsthand in this community in the recent months. I was obviously disappointed in her responses, and, with no assistance, Rousseau continues without necessary aid.
Nearly half of the population serviced by this department cannot be reached by standard car, rescues cannot be performed in the area without a four-wheel drive truck, several people remain in tents and on porches with harsh weather coming in - even those outside of the fire department's region rely heavily on them for delivered food and supplies due to a myriad of issues. Having helped over 1,800 families to date, Rousseau is truly working miracles in their community.
A quick look at the deck below will demonstrate the work that Greg and his team at Rousseau Fire Department have and continue to do daily in an area that was struggling in June, and absolutely devastated by a flood in July. His attempts at providing for people by way of fundraisers, mutual aide donations like those from us, and his own pocket are what keep this community thriving.
We will continue to work the channels of government, and the corporations who can obviously afford to help this rural town and the community within it. We ask that you share this information and consider helping Greg and our friends in Rousseau. Every little bit helps! The department is a c3 non-profit, and your donations can be sent directly to them, or through us for gifts for the kids, food for prepared meals... Hey - have you considered renting a four-wheel drive truck for a day for the community? Lets come together toward one goal - Rousseau needs a truck!
