It was a stressful and exhausting last few days of Legislative session for Kentucky, and considering our lack of funding in public education and 11,000 teacher vacancies currently, its no surprise that many of us are lost in what is now a law - wait, nothing is a law yet?, what happens next, and what you can do about it.
The supermajority GOP that is the current government in Kentucky has ultimately passed a bill, SB150 (combined with an earlier HB470 and bathroom bills from years past), that ultimately attacks Kentucky's children, families, and schools. This bill directly targets a small percent of Kentucky's students, eliminates their right to proper medical care, doctor/client privilege, trusted teacher/student relationship, and reaches too far into the homes of Kentucky families. It will remove the right to medical decisions being made by parents and doctors, force physicians to choose between providing proper care for underage patients or leave practice in this state and go elsewhere at the risk of felony charges. Teachers will be put in a position to protect their students, or follow the law - and allow me to remind you that the school curriculum, and then whom could teach in schools, was the first line of attack for the Natzi regime... I thought the GOP was anti-big-government, and it seems I was wrong.
In consolation for the above, I suppose, we have been gifted medical marijuana in the state by way of bill SB47. Of course, that won't become actuality until January 2025. Governor Beshear's pardon orders remain in effect at this time, and it is assumed he will sign this bill, making it a law, again - this isn't slated to happen until 2025, 2 years from now. The pardon orders currently in place allow for your physician to complete a form and file it with the Commonwealth. In the event you are charged, proceed to trial, and are found guilty of the possession of marijuana for your medical condition, you will then be pardoned of that crime. No financial restitution is mentioned.
I'm not sure how these next two years will play out in the gray area of legalization - but I'm sure it will result in several unlawful detainments, especially with the potential of SB228 being resurrected by the GOP at the end of session. This bill would seek to use field sobriety testing to determine marijuana-related impaired driving, but the methods to be used have already been found by the Federal Department of Justice to be inaccurate, and the Massachusetts highest courts have upheld that finding - requiring that police officers be experts in marijuana and the effects that it has on the human body before they can testify in these cases. It seems quite problematic to me, and I would implore that they instead research, form a committee, and be a trend-setter in marijuana legislation and legalization. Alas, a supermajority GOP, as mentioned above, does not have our best interests at heart.
RALLY, CANVAS, EMAIL : Teenage students, middle and high schools, across the state have planned a rally for March 29, 2023 at 9:30 a.m. This is the first of two days back in session after the Governor's veto and signing of the passed bills. It is assumed that he will VETO SB150 and on March 29 the Senate and House will have to vote to pass this bill again in order to override Governor Beshear's veto. There were a few Senators who were more inclined to water down HB470 earlier in session, and we are canvassing, emailing, and asking you to do the same - By contacting these elected officials and making them aware of how their consituents feel about this bill, we are hoping to make a difference. It is a Hail Mary called by the kids of the Commonwealth - and these kids are the ones actually affected by this bill. We fully support them and are looking forward to standing with them and protecting their space to be heard at the Capital Annex. We would love to see you join!
Below are flyers and information for actions you can take now and for the next week in an effort to change the trajectory of SB150. No matter where you are, Kentucky needs your help. Please join us on March 29 for the RALLY, and email the Senators below until that day!
